Mirror: 10 things I’ve overheard about my Linux laptop while on public transportation · Demotivatoional Posters and Funny Pics
I’ve been taking the train to work for 4 years now. It’s a 45 minute rambling ride in which I usually either read a book, sleep, or grab my laptop loaded up with Ubuntu and get some stuff done. Over time, I’ve collected a few funny remarks I’ve either over heard, or that people have said directly to me. Here are the 10 best.
- That’s not windows, it’s a Mac! (One teenager to another).
- Where’s the start button? (Asked directly to me on a train).
- Random middle manager 1: He must be in Marketing, he’s making a new picture! Random middle manager 2: I don’t know, look how he’s dressed. (While using gimp).
- Don’t turn your computer on Bill – that guy can look into it! (two business men).
- You’ve got to work in IT. (said directly to me).
- (Whispered)How did he get Vista early? (Two teens).
- Yeah, I’m surrounded by yuppies, kids, drones and two guys using Linux. (Someone on a cell phone).
- What the hell is that? (Pointing to my screen -followed by a 15 minute conversation about computers).
- Can you game on it? (Guy with a Sony VIAO running Vista. He wasn’t impressed by Moria).
- They stole that spinning cube thing from a Mac! (Two mac users sitting next to me).