A Quick Guide To Get Started With The Linux Command Line

Great guide to start with:

Think working on the command line is complex, old school and obsolete? Think again.
In Linux, the command line is a peerless tool that performs complex tasks with very little effort. For example, try using a GUI (Graphical User Interface) to delete every file with names ending with .tmp and were created within the last 3 months. Then learn how to do the same task through the command line. You will be surprised by the ease and speed with which you can perform this task through the command line, especially if you have to do it regularly.
You can do lots of amazing stuff with commands in Linux and it’s really not difficult to learn. If you are completely new to the Linux command line, you should first get familiarized with CLI (Command Line Interface) navigation, along with some basic file/directory operations. And that’s exactly what we will discuss in this article.
If you are absolutely new to Linux, try reading our Linux guide. Also, learn about how you can replace Windows with Linux and how to run Windows applications on Linux.

A Quick Guide To Get Started With The Linux Command Line


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